In this section of the site you can learn about each of the Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council paid staff - the clerk and two shared joint staff with Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council, deputy clerk and groundsperson.

Sara Barrett
Sara Barrett has been our part-time parish council clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) since 2020. As KHPC is the parish council responsible for the Kibworth Joint Burial Board, the administration of this joint board which manages the cemetery on the A6 also falls within her remit.
Telephone: 07519 003206 Email:

Tina Stringer
Tina Stringer has been the part-time joint deputy clerk since 1 September 2021.

Robyn Morley
Robyn started her role as part-time Media & Communications Officer on 1 August 2024, working for both parishes.

Stephen Beasley
Stephen started on 1 April 2022 and is a full-time groundsperson working for both parish councils.